
SaaS Management Platform

Find, Deploy, Manage, Build and Sell your enterprise apps.

Trusted by thousands of small and mid-sized
companies, startups worldwide

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Continuous compliance &
adaptive trust

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Choose the right SaaS for your business from 20,000+ products, based on all popular marketplaces’ reviews, just in one place.

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Deploy your SaaS in minutes

Seamless deployment with integrated Single Sign-On, Identity Provisioning, and a plethora of workflow templates, out-of-box.

Manage internal and external apps
on one platfroms

Build your internal apps with IDaaS. Get your external apps from App Store.
Manage all of them on Workflos, and unlimited!

Build your apps enterprise ready

Provide Full-Stack of authentication, authorization, directory and audit logging capabilities for you to build enterprise ready applications.

  • Single Sign-On

    Support SAML 2.0, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, CAS protocols.

    Try for Free ›

    • Multi-Factor Authentication

      Secure, intelligent access to enterprise applications.

    • Universal Directory

      Sync from multiple identity providers, including AD, LDAP, HRIS.

    • Fine-Grained Authorization

      Fine-grained RBAC model, real-time access control for applications.

    • Audit Logging

      Highly compliant for enterprise use, with customizable audit logs.

Sell your apps in a smarter way

Help you get customers with precise targeting at a lower cost.

Our Blog

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and new product announcements.

Explore the Impact of AI-generated Content on SEO: Can it Rank on Search Engines? Learn Examples, Checkers and Best Practices. Read Now!


介绍 使用人工智能技术创造内容并不是新鲜事。然而,它对内容创作和搜索引擎优化(SEO)的影响却一直是个讨论的话题。人工智能生成的内容指的是采用人工智能工具帮助创造出来的文章、博客文章或其他形式的内容。…

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