
Not Claimed

Clari is a revenue platform that helps improve efficiency, predictability, and growth across the entire revenue process. It provides total visibility into the business to drive process rigor, align buyers and sellers, spot risk and opportunity in the pipeline, increase forecast accuracy, and drive overall efficiency. It is used by hundreds of thousands of revenue professionals at leading companies to make their revenue process more connected, efficient, and predictable.
AIGC、HR、Collaboration & Productivity、Analytics、Marketing、CRM、Security、Commerce、Content Management、Development、ERP
Suitable for enterprise
HQ Location
Sunnyvale, CA
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Predictive analytics

    Uses AI to provide sales insights and predictions

  • Integrations

    Integrates with popular CRMs and other sales tools

  • Ease of use

    Simple and intuitive interface

  • Pricing

    Can be expensive for smaller businesses

  • Limited customization

    May not meet the needs of businesses with unique sales processes

  • Limited reporting

    Reporting capabilities are not as robust as some competitors

  • Could increase market share by integrating with more sales tools
  • Could expand into new markets outside of the US
  • Could attract more customers by adding new features and capabilities
  • Facing competition from established sales analytics providers
  • Could see decreased demand in a recession
  • Could face backlash if data privacy concerns become more prominent

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Clari Plan

Clari offers three pricing tiers with increasing features and functionality, starting at $35 per user per month.
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