Salesforce Sales Cloud

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Salesforce Sales Cloud is a CRM software that helps sales teams sell faster, smarter, and more efficiently through automation, AI, and real-time data. It includes features such as sales engagement, enablement, team productivity, buyer engagement, sales AI, sales analytics, revenue optimization, sales performance management, and partner relationship management.
HQ Location
San Francisco, CA
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Customizable

    Salesforce Sales Cloud can be customized to fit the specific needs of a business.

  • Integration

    Salesforce Sales Cloud can integrate with other Salesforce products and third-party applications.

  • Mobile Access

    Salesforce Sales Cloud can be accessed on mobile devices, allowing for remote work and flexibility.

  • Cost

    Salesforce Sales Cloud can be expensive, especially for small businesses.

  • Complexity

    Salesforce Sales Cloud can be complex and difficult to navigate for users who are not familiar with the platform.

  • Training

    Salesforce Sales Cloud requires training for users to fully utilize all of its features and capabilities.

  • The market for CRM software is growing, providing opportunities for Salesforce Sales Cloud to expand its customer base.
  • Salesforce Sales Cloud can continue to add new features and capabilities to stay competitive in the market.
  • Salesforce Sales Cloud can expand its reach to new international markets.
  • Salesforce Sales Cloud faces competition from other CRM software providers.
  • An economic downturn could lead to decreased demand for Salesforce Sales Cloud and other CRM software.
  • Data security breaches could damage Salesforce Sales Cloud's reputation and lead to loss of customers.

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Salesforce Sales Cloud Plan

Salesforce Sales Cloud offers four pricing plans ranging from $25 to $300 per user per month, with increasing features and capabilities.
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