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#ğ�—¤ğ�˜‚ğ�—²ğ�˜‚ğ�—²ğ�—•ğ�˜‚ğ�˜€ğ�˜�ğ�—²ğ�—¿ is India’s Business Super App. It is an Android-first omnichannel retail business solution to manage ğ�—•ğ�—¶ğ�—¹ğ�—¹ğ�—¶ğ�—»ğ�—´, ğ�—œğ�—»ğ�˜ƒğ�—²ğ�—»ğ�˜�ğ�—¼ğ�—¿ğ�˜†, ğ�—�ğ�—µğ�—®ğ�˜�ğ�—®, ğ�—¢ğ�—»ğ�—¹ğ�—¶ğ�—»ğ�—² ğ�——ğ�˜‚ğ�—¸ğ�—®ğ�—®ğ�—», ğ�—–ğ�—¥ğ�— , ğ�—Ÿğ�—¼ğ�˜†ğ�—®ğ�—¹ğ�˜�ğ�˜†, ğ�—˜-ğ�˜„ğ�—®ğ�˜† ğ�—•ğ�—¶ğ�—¹ğ�—¹ğ�—¶ğ�—»ğ�—´, ğ�—®ğ�—»ğ�—± ğ�—²-ğ�—œğ�—»ğ�˜ƒğ�—¼ğ�—¶ğ�—°ğ�—¶ğ�—»ğ�—´ along with a variety of robust reports. From large format retail stores to small carts and kiosks, QueueBuster has all that you need to run your business with ease.
����������� is an extremely simple yet powerful POS application. You get the functionality of a traditional POS system with the mobility of a smartphone.
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ğ�Ÿ) ğ�—£ğ�—¿ğ�—¼ğ�—±ğ�˜‚ğ�—°ğ�˜� ğ�—–ğ�—®ğ�˜�ğ�—®ğ�—¹ğ�—¼ğ�—´ - Manage product catalog with SKU level information on prices, taxes, charges, and more.
�) �������� �������� - Generate proforma invoices, final invoices, credit sales, and no charge orders.
ğ�Ÿ¯) ğ�—œğ�—»ğ�˜ƒğ�—²ğ�—»ğ�˜�ğ�—¼ğ�—¿ğ�˜† ğ�— ğ�—®ğ�—»ğ�—®ğ�—´ğ�—²ğ�—ºğ�—²ğ�—»ğ�˜� - A dedicated module to manage outlet level, SKU level stock information of the entire catalog.
�) �������� - Accept payments through cash, card, online wallets, UPI, vouchers, credit notes, and cheque.
ğ�Ÿ±) ğ�—–ğ�—¥ğ�— & ğ�—Ÿğ�—¼ğ�˜†ğ�—®ğ�—¹ğ�˜�ğ�˜† - Manage your customers, reward them with loyalty points and discounts based on their purchase history.
ğ�Ÿ²) ğ�—�ğ�—µğ�—®ğ�˜�ğ�—® ğ�— ğ�—¼ğ�—±ğ�˜‚ğ�—¹ğ�—² - Get rid of the traditional Hisab Kitab or Bahi Khata ledger and digitize your Khata. Record every Credit (Jama) and Debit (Udhaar) transaction and make your accounting simpler.
�) ������ ������ - Bring your entire catalog online and share with your customers via WhatsApp. Accept online orders directly in your POS application.
�) ���������� & ��������� - Give spot discounts or apply them from a pre-defined list created at product or customer level.
�) ������� - Get real-time sales updates or dig deeper to analyse your business with our exhaustive set of business reports.
ğ�Ÿğ�Ÿ¬) ğ�—¥ğ�—¼ğ�—¹ğ�—²ğ�˜€ & ğ�—£ğ�—²ğ�—¿ğ�—ºğ�—¶ğ�˜€ğ�˜€ğ�—¶ğ�—¼ğ�—»ğ�˜€ - Create unlimited users (staff) and manage their roles and permissions through your admin dashboard.
ğ�Ÿğ�Ÿ) ğ�—–ğ�—¹ğ�—¼ğ�˜‚ğ�—± ğ�—•ğ�—®ğ�—°ğ�—¸ğ�˜‚ğ�—½ - Hosted on Amazon cloud infrastructure. Loss of your device will not lead to loss of your data.
ğ�Ÿğ�Ÿ®) ğ�—¢ğ�—³ğ�—³ğ�—¹ğ�—¶ğ�—»ğ�—² ğ�— ğ�—¼ğ�—±ğ�—² - Works seamlessly without internet. Automatically syncs data once online.
ğ�Ÿğ�Ÿ¯) ğ�—œğ�—»ğ�˜�ğ�—²ğ�—´ğ�—¿ğ�—®ğ�˜�ğ�—¶ğ�—¼ğ�—»ğ�˜€ - Integrated with hundreds of devices, printers, barcode scanners, payment providers & software across the globe.
ğ�Ÿğ�Ÿ°) ğ�—•ğ�˜‚ğ�—¹ğ�—¸ ğ�——ğ�—®ğ�˜�ğ�—® ğ�— ğ�—®ğ�—»ğ�—®ğ�—´ğ�—²ğ�—ºğ�—²ğ�—»ğ�˜� - Managing catalog of hundreds of products was never so easy without our Excel and CSV based bulk upload tools.
ğ�Ÿğ�Ÿ±) ğ�— ğ�˜‚ğ�—¹ğ�˜�ğ�—¶ğ�—½ğ�—¹ğ�—² ğ�—Ÿğ�—¼ğ�—°ğ�—®ğ�˜�ğ�—¶ğ�—¼ğ�—»ğ�˜€ - Add a new outlet by the click of a button. Get all your reports sorted automatically without any hassle.
ğ�Ÿğ�Ÿ²) ğ�— ğ�˜‚ğ�—¹ğ�˜�ğ�—¶ğ�—½ğ�—¹ğ�—² ğ�—–ğ�˜‚ğ�—¿ğ�—¿ğ�—²ğ�—»ğ�—°ğ�—¶ğ�—²ğ�˜€ - Go global. Run your business in any available
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1. Cloud (Web) based admin console to manage your entire business.
2. Manage each & every module of your business from a single console itself.
3. Access your data anytime anywhere. Available round the year.
4. Set of comprehensive reports about products, taxes, inventory etc.
5. No need to worry about your huge catalog. Upload data in bulk using Excel/CSV.
6. Download almost everything in Excel, CSV or PDF format.
��� ���� �����������, ����� https://www.queuebuster.co/
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