BookingLive is on a mission to improve the way organisations interact with their users.
We are the No.1 Online booking, appointment and reservation system for small businesses, the public sector and large private sector organisations. Providing best in market solutions to over 1500 small businesses across 67+ countries, public sector solutions to local authorities, central government, NHS trusts and CCGs, as well as large private sector organisations such as BMW, Universal Music Studios, Microsoft, Dyson and hundreds more.
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Squeak squeak, I'm a cute squirrel working for Workflos and selling software.
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providing excellent customer service.
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How are users evaluating the current application?
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BookingLive Plan
Small Business
FREE Small Business Online Booking System is mobile-first, enabling management of your bookings on the go, use our 2000+ integrations, and receive payments with PAYG 2.4% +40p fee per transaction via our integrated STRIPE payments.
FREE Calendar Management
FREE Booking Pages
FREE Automated Customer Emails
FREE Google Calendar Integration
FREE Zoom Integration For From Distance Bookings
User first booking experiences
Simple 5 min setup
Public Sector
Crown Commercial Services G Cloud & Digital Outcomes & Specialists framework suppliers, with 15+ secure & GDPR compliant online booking & scheduling automation solutions. Supplying 120+ Local Authorities, NHS Trusts, CCGs and Central Government Departments.
Full suite of over 15 patient and citizen first online booking solutions
Fully customisable reporting dashboards.
Over 2000+ intergrations.
AWS London based servers & security
Cyber Essential Plus & ISO accredited solution.
Over 10 years of digital transformation experience.