
Not Claimed

Sisense is a business intelligence platform that offers AI-driven analytics and can be embedded in customer and employee applications and workflows. It is highly customizable and has been ranked as the No. 1 Business Intelligence company in terms of customer success.
Sisense, Inc.
Suitable for enterprise
HQ Location
New York
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Ease of use

    Intuitive interface and drag-and-drop functionality

  • Scalability

    Ability to handle large amounts of data and users

  • Customization

    Flexible dashboard and report creation options

  • Pricing

    Relatively high cost compared to some competitors

  • Limited integrations

    Not as many integrations with other software as some competitors

  • Learning curve

    May require some training to fully utilize all features

  • Increasing demand for data analytics software
  • Continued development of new features and integrations
  • Potential for partnerships with other software companies
  • Increasing number of competitors in the data analytics market
  • Potential decrease in demand for data analytics software during economic downturns
  • Growing concerns about data privacy and security may impact sales

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Review Distribution

  • 👍
    High - rated users

    No information provided for high-rated segment.

  • 🤔
    Average - rated users

    Sisense met the criteria for embedded analytics and had powerful tools and visuals, but was difficult to customize and lacked good support. It was seen as overpriced for the customer's use-case and business needs.

  • 👎
    Low - rated users

    Sisense is simple to use and has necessary functionalities, but each widget is an independent query, making it inefficient and lacking flexibility for data exploration. Users cannot create explorations. Sisense helps the customer query necessary information and visualize it for business insights, as well as dashboarding for cross-functional teams to track key metrics.


Sisense e9a8b0b8-3d48-4835-9416-984117b1f6e8.png Sisense fe5c035a-ae97-4d3c-b9fe-c269c6a3e65e.png Sisense dce3c7fd-0cd8-4cc8-b042-1a1352b3aca0.png Sisense e1728851-9a32-4fc9-92d6-747d3750f666.png Sisense 3720d51e-78bc-4ea5-8e89-c2a3ff5ec5c6.png Sisense 05f7509f-420f-492b-a10a-67b2be3731c6.png Sisense Roambi.png

Sisense Plan

Sisense offers flexible pricing plans based on the number of users and features, starting at $1,000 per month.
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