Qntrl is built for people who orchestrate processes for their team, department, or organization. We've created the easiest way to bring visibility, control, and automation to your organization's processes, using powerful, no-code orchestrations that you can create to streamline your workflows in minutes.
If you're in charge of a process, department, or organization—and you're looking to have more visibility into what's going on in your area, you want unprecedented control over what does and doesn't happen, and you want to simplify your daily work life through automation—Qntrl is for you.
Our fast-growing community of orchestrators is already 1000+ strong, with customers like County Broadband, Apollo Hospitals, Digital Forensics Corp, and ITC Limited using Qntrl to streamline their business processes.
Qntrl is built to help even the biggest of organizations handle all their processes using a workflow automation platform that's easy to use, customizable, and powerful, while never burdening customers with steep subscription costs.
Our collection of enterprise features include:
1. Centralized request submission, customized work views, real-time status updates to ensure visibility, and centralization of all tasks
2. Business rules, automated process checks, and advanced assignment rules to define responsibilities and ensure execution standards
3. Custom process analytics, usage reports, and SLAs to track and improve organizational KPIs
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Qntrl Plan
5 Users Per Month
Create up to 3 workflow orchestrations in your free Qntrl account.
No credit card required
All features of the business plan available for free, with only a user limit.
1 Users Per Month
No limits on the number of users or workflow orchestrations.
Workflow centralization and visibility
Process automation
Low-code process mapping
Process compliance management
Reports and dashboards
Custom scripting and APIs
Workflow-centric collaboration
Enterprise security and hybrid cloud