Primo Animation
Primo Animation is a highly sought-after video animation company based in the United States. For the past decade, Primo Animation has delved into all formats of digital media and animation, primarily specializing in Explainer Videos, Whiteboard Animation, 3D Animation, 2D Animation, Live Action, Isometrics, and Motion Graphics. We have built and managed a stellar reputation working with a complete roster of clients. As a company, we understand that digital media has dramatically penetrated into the visual content space. Users on the Internet today are more and more engaged with video based content, and this fuels greater demand for dynamic, creative, diverse and instant digital media content. For this reason, Primo Animation has been on top of its game, helping brands realize the potential for video and leveraging user preferences today. We have a talented and experienced team of animators, artists, designers, illustrators and coders who continue to portray their remarkable skills in different domains of animation. We have also been closely following industry trends and have rechanneled our creative input to tap into what lies ahead in the future. We are pushing our clients to be more future-forward, allowing them with resources, tools, and access to reiterate their communication strategy with some of the most rewarding animated content. Primo Animation also believes that today’s user demographics are likely swayed by personalized content; one that could intuitively appeal to them. We create animations keeping greater room for personalization so that our clients can engage their customers in a better and more efficient manner.
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