
Not Claimed

Pixabay is a community of creatives that share copyright free images and videos under Creative Commons CC0, making them safe to use without permission or credit.
HQ Location
Neu-Ulm, Bavaria
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Large Image Library

    Over 1.8 million high-quality images available for free

  • Easy to Use

    Simple and intuitive interface for searching and downloading images

  • Free to Use

    All images are available for free, even for commercial use

  • Limited Search Filters

    Search filters are limited compared to other paid stock image websites

  • No Exclusive Images

    All images are available for free, so there are no exclusive images

  • No Customization

    Images cannot be customized or edited within the platform

  • Could offer a premium subscription with additional search filters and exclusive images
  • Could partner with other SaaS companies to offer their image library as a feature
  • Could expand beyond photos and offer other types of images such as illustrations or videos
  • There are many other stock image websites that offer similar or better features
  • Users could potentially use images without proper attribution or permission, leading to legal issues
  • As the image library grows, there could be a decrease in quality or relevance of images

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PixaBay Plan

PixaBay offers a freemium pricing model with a limited free version and a paid version with additional features.
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