Advanced threat protection
Protects against spam, malware, phishing, and other email-borne threats
Cloud-based architecture
Scalable and easy to deploy, with no hardware or software to maintain
Real-time email continuity
Ensures uninterrupted access to email during outages or maintenance
Limited customization options
May not meet the specific needs of some businesses
Relatively high cost
May not be affordable for small businesses or those on a tight budget
Limited integration options
May not integrate with all the tools and platforms a business uses
- As email threats continue to increase, more businesses are looking for solutions like N-able Mail Assure
- N-able Mail Assure could be marketed to businesses in new industries or regions
- Could be bundled with other N-able products to provide a more comprehensive solution
- There are many other companies offering similar email security solutions
- As email threats continue to evolve, N-able Mail Assure may struggle to keep up
- As email security becomes more important, businesses may become more concerned about the privacy of their data
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https://www.n-able.comReview Distribution
High - rated users
No information provided for high-rated segment.
Average - rated users
Customers in the mid-rated segment generally like the security features of N-able Mail Assure, but have some minor issues with the product.
Low - rated users
Customers in the low-rated segment like the Office 365 integration, email continuity, and outbound gateway features of N-able Mail Assure, but find the product to be too complex and slow at times.