KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training

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KnowBe4 is a security awareness training and simulated phishing platform that helps manage social engineering, spear phishing, and ransomware attacks. It has a user-friendly interface with multi-language support and gamification features. It can be deployed quickly and includes baseline testing, a library of training content, automated training campaigns, simulated phishing attacks, and enterprise-strength reporting.
KnowBe4, Inc.
HQ Location
Clearwater, FL
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Comprehensive training modules

    Covers a wide range of security topics

  • Engaging content

    Uses interactive and entertaining methods to keep users interested

  • Customizable training

    Allows organizations to tailor training to their specific needs

  • Expensive

    May not be affordable for smaller organizations

  • Limited language options

    Currently only available in English

  • Requires user participation

    May not be effective if users are not motivated to complete the training

  • Increased awareness of cyber threats creates a larger market for security training
  • Opportunity to offer training in additional languages and regions
  • Potential to partner with other security vendors to offer a comprehensive security solution
  • May struggle to differentiate from other providers in a crowded market
  • May need to constantly update training modules to keep up with new threats
  • If users are not motivated to complete the training, it may not be effective in improving security posture

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KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training Plan

KnowBe4 offers a tiered pricing strategy for their security awareness training, with plans starting at $12 per user per year for the "Baseline" version and increasing to $36 per user per year for the "Diamond" version.
Diamond 101-500 Seats 1-Year $ 2 1 Seat Per Month
Diamond is our most popular subscription, other levels are available. Monthly pricing per seat billed on an annual basis. We offer attractive discounts for a 3-year contract. Diamond 101-500 Seats
Diamond 501-1000 Seats 1-Year $ 2 1 Seat Per Month
Diamond is our most popular subscription, other levels are available. Monthly pricing per seat billed on an annual basis. We offer attractive discounts for a 3-year contract. Diamond 501-1000 Seats
Diamond 1001-2000 Seats 1-Year $ 2 1 Seat Per Month
Diamond is our most popular subscription, other levels are available. Monthly pricing per seat billed on an annual basis. We offer attractive discounts for a 3-year contract. Diamond 1001-2000 Seats
Diamond 2001-3000 Seats 1-Year $ 1 1 Seat Per Month
Diamond is our most popular subscription, other levels are available. Monthly pricing per seat billed on an annual basis. We offer attractive discounts for a 3-year contract. Diamond 2001-3000 Seats
Diamond 3001-5000 Seats 1-Year $ 1 1 Seat Per Month
Diamond is our most popular subscription, other levels are available. Monthly pricing per seat billed on an annual basis. We offer attractive discounts for a 3-year contract. Diamond 3001-5000 Seats
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