Micro Focus Network Virtualization

Not Claimed

Micro Focus Network Virtualization is a tool for network performance testing that captures and emulates real-world network conditions to detect and remediate issues before app deployment.
HQ Location
Waterloo, ON
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Realistic network emulation

    Accurately simulates real-world network conditions

  • Scalability

    Can emulate large-scale networks with thousands of virtual users

  • Integration

    Integrates with other Micro Focus testing tools

  • Complexity

    Can be difficult to set up and configure

  • Cost

    Can be expensive for small businesses

  • Limited support

    Limited support for non-Micro Focus testing tools

  • Increasing need for realistic network testing in the age of cloud computing
  • Opportunities to expand into new markets and industries
  • Opportunities to add new features and capabilities to stay ahead of competitors
  • Competition from other network virtualization tools
  • Rapidly evolving technology may make the product obsolete
  • Economic downturns may reduce demand for the product

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Micro Focus Network Virtualization Plan

Micro Focus Network Virtualization offers a flexible pricing model based on the number of virtual users and features included in each version.
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