
Not Claimed

ManagerPlus is an enterprise asset management software that is customizable and suitable for various industries. It allows users to automate maintenance schedules, manage work orders, monitor inventory levels, and generate custom reports. The software can send custom notifications to staff for time-sensitive events and allows managers to monitor maintenance by hours or meter readings.
  • Customizable

    Allows for tailored solutions to fit specific business needs

  • Mobile Access

    Enables remote access to data and functionality

  • Integration

    Integrates with other software and systems for seamless data transfer

  • Cost

    May be expensive for small businesses or those on a tight budget

  • Learning Curve

    May require training or a period of adjustment for users unfamiliar with the software

  • Limited Features

    May not have all the features or capabilities needed for certain industries or businesses

  • Can expand into new markets or industries with tailored solutions
  • Can form partnerships with other software or system providers for increased functionality
  • Can migrate to cloud-based solutions for increased accessibility and scalability
  • May face competition from other software providers with similar solutions
  • May face security threats or breaches that compromise data and functionality
  • May face regulatory changes or requirements that impact software functionality or data management

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ManagerPlus 925e631e-a457-43af-adba-e479dd5392bf.png ManagerPlus 13bdda3c-3274-4871-a48d-61fc058db69d.png ManagerPlus 933c624d-b5ff-49c1-9109-1d523ef40cc1.png ManagerPlus ac0e9827-a62c-4438-9216-89a1814a7847.png ManagerPlus b1e66913-ed9c-447c-8745-13d5ed441fcb.png

ManagerPlus Plan

ManagerPlus offers a tiered pricing strategy with three versions, starting at $45/month, each with increasing features and capabilities.
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