
Not Claimed

Greenshot is a free and open source screenshot utility optimized for productivity.
HQ Location
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Open-source

    Free to use and modify

  • Lightweight

    Does not consume much system resources

  • Customizable

    Can be configured to capture specific areas or types of screenshots

  • Limited editing features

    Not suitable for advanced image editing

  • No cloud integration

    Screenshots cannot be directly saved to cloud storage

  • No video capture

    Cannot capture videos or record screen activity

  • Can be integrated with popular cloud storage services
  • Can add more advanced image editing features
  • Can add video capture and screen recording capabilities
  • May lose market share to other similar tools
  • May become incompatible with future versions of operating systems
  • May be vulnerable to security threats and attacks

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Review Distribution

  • 👍
    High - rated users

    Greenshot is better than Windows offerings and many paid options. It has a ton of extra features, including obfuscation, drawing and writing tools, and access to all installed fonts. Screenshots can be saved in multiple formats and directly into MS Office apps.There is nothing to dislike about the product, although the size of the icons in the interface is a minor inconvenience.

  • 🤔
    Average - rated users

    The best feature of Greenshot is making a screen of the whole web page, which could be very long in some cases. It provides more flexibility than standard options built-in Windows.After installation, Greenshot always opens a web browser with a donation page, which cannot be disabled. This is problematic for mass deployments.

  • 👎
    Low - rated users

    Greenshot is the most comprehensive screenshotting software that the user has ever used. It allows for precise screen shots and inbuilt image editing with obfuscation and tagging features.There is nothing to dislike about Greenshot.


Greenshot e7c4063f-d6f3-4059-8abd-b80ef6c82d2c.jpeg Greenshot 958b47db-9d0f-402b-8263-0e5632c53673.jpeg Greenshot d71594bb-9cfc-4e9a-baf7-ed9121766445.jpeg

Greenshot Plan

Greenshot offers a free basic version and a paid premium version with additional features for $1.99 per month.
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