
Not Claimed

DefenseStorm CyberCompliance is a SaaS solution that helps financial institutions maintain active compliance by connecting policies with real-time enforcement of cyber controls. It reduces audit preparation time and enhances separation of duties.
HQ Location
Alpharetta, Georgia
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Automated threat detection

    DefenseStorm uses machine learning to detect and respond to threats in real-time.

  • Customizable alerts

    Users can set up alerts based on their specific needs and receive notifications via email or SMS.

  • Compliance reporting

    DefenseStorm provides detailed reports to help users meet regulatory compliance requirements.

  • Limited integrations

    DefenseStorm has limited integrations with other security tools and platforms.

  • Complex setup

    Setting up DefenseStorm can be complex and time-consuming, requiring significant IT resources.

  • Expensive pricing

    DefenseStorm's pricing is relatively high compared to other SaaS security solutions.

  • The increasing frequency and severity of cyber attacks is driving demand for cybersecurity solutions like DefenseStorm.
  • DefenseStorm has the opportunity to expand into new markets and industries beyond its current focus on financial services.
  • DefenseStorm can form partnerships with other security vendors to expand its capabilities and integrations.
  • DefenseStorm faces competition from established players in the cybersecurity market, such as IBM and Cisco.
  • The constantly evolving threat landscape means that DefenseStorm must continually update its technology and capabilities to stay ahead of new threats.
  • Changes to regulatory requirements could impact DefenseStorm's ability to meet compliance standards and attract new customers.

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DefenseStorm Plan

DefenseStorm offers a subscription-based pricing model with three versions, Basic, Pro, and Enterprise, starting at $1,000 per month.
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