Clinical Conductor CTMS

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Clinical Conductor is a CTMS used by many organizations worldwide to standardize and simplify complex processes for managing and conducting clinical trials. It is created by Bio-Optronics and is the leading CTMS for managing research and executing collaboratively across multiple clinical trials and sites. The system provides comprehensive features and functionality needed to recruit effectively, improve patient visit satisfaction, optimize billing, maintain research compliance, extract actionable business insight, and maximize profitability. Bio-Optronics has established a fail-safe deployment process with 24x7 support services and unlimited ongoing web-based training.
HQ Location
Columbia, Maryland
Year Founded
Number of Employees
  • Customizable workflows

    Allows for tailored workflows to fit specific study needs

  • Real-time data tracking

    Provides up-to-date information on study progress and performance

  • Compliance management

    Helps ensure adherence to regulatory requirements

  • Steep learning curve

    May require significant training for new users

  • Limited integrations

    May not integrate with all necessary systems or tools

  • High cost

    May be expensive for smaller organizations or budgets

  • Increasing need for efficient and effective trial management
  • Potential to expand into new regions or industries
  • Opportunity to integrate with new and innovative tools and systems
  • May face competition from well-established CTMS providers
  • Changes in regulatory requirements may impact product functionality
  • Decreased funding for clinical trials during economic downturns

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Clinical Conductor CTMS 14fe48d9-ae75-40ba-b00b-92dc2efb39c8.png Clinical Conductor CTMS 4d30b5e7-b541-4b52-87f1-c7dba943eb08.png Clinical Conductor CTMS 174c8daa-b1d7-4f54-9800-46a90571e0be.png

Clinical Conductor CTMS Plan

Clinical Conductor CTMS offers a subscription-based pricing model with three versions, starting at $500/month, each with increasing features.
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