Build SaaS

Full-Stack of authentication, authorization, directory, and audit logging.

Streamline access to your apps,
Boost your business growth.

  • Single Sign-On

    Support SAML 2.0, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, CAS protocols.

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    • Multi-Factor Authentication

      Secure, intelligent access to enterprise applications.

    • Universal Directory

      Sync from multiple identity providers, including AD, LDAP, HRIS.

    • Fine-Grained Authorization

      Fine-grained RBAC model, real-time access control for applications.

    • Audit Logging

      Highly compliant for enterprise use, with customizable audit logs.

Seamless user access

Integrate with AzureAD, Google, Slack, Github applications, also support SAML 2.0, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, CAS standard protocols.

Highlight your brand

Customize the domain name, login method, and email style to match your organization’s preferences.

Extreme user experience

Improve user experience and security by using passwordless authentication and user-defined password policies with MFA to grant access to authorized personnel.

Simplify user access auditing

Get real-time data in Workflows to troubleshoot security issues quickly. Use pre-built reporting to understand app usage and identify security risks.


介绍 让我们来看看SaaS管理平台的一些关键特点。首先,它提供了软件使用的可见性,允许您跟踪使用了哪些应用程序以及何时使用。这很重要,因为它可以帮助您识别任何低效或未充分利用的软件,从而避免无谓的支出…

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