Kpow is a simple, secure enterprise Kafka tool that empowers engineering teams to supercharge and streamline their Kafka experience by enabling them to manage, monitor, explore and secure Kafka with ease. The Kpow console is an all-in-one, JVM-based web application that gives Kafka engineers superpowers. Product Highlights include: - Streamline operations by using Kpow to monitor and control all of your Kafka resources. Manage multiple clusters, schema registries, and connect installs with one Kpow instance. - Benefit from real-time monitoring and visualization of Kafka Streams topologies, quickly identify unbalanced brokers, and understand how our data is physically distributed. - Get straight to the heart of production issues with the fastest, most intelligent search available for Kafka. With powerful Data Inspect, Streaming Search, and kREPL functions to search hundreds of thousands of messages a second straight out of the box. - Kpow allows engineers to take their Kafka observability to the next level by allowing users to monitor, search for, inspect, replay, and export data in real-time. - Built for the robust demands of enterprise use, Kpow integrates with all standard authentication providers and offers role base access controls for the fine-grained control of user actions. General security features include Data masking, Audit Log, and deploying Kpow in air-gapped environments. - Installed as a single Docker Container or JAR file that runs with 1GB memory and 1 CPU for a production installation.
Questions and Answers
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What we appreciate with kPow is that it gives you all the good features available in the market in one tool : - Beautiful UI/UX like Kowl - Efficient topic message searching like Kafka UI - Excellent to watch and edit topics configuration, even better than Kafka UI - Able to browse and edit schema registry efficiently like Kafka UI And in addition, you got multiple bonus features : - Useful and beautiful monitoring of cluster, connectors, consumers, etc... - Better consumer offset reset management - Fully customizable auth mechanism from very simple to very complex - Fully integrated Kafka Stream topology display and monitoring using kpow-streams-agent - Human support with excellent technical understanding - Open about feature requests that can bring value to the product, with a good following after suggestion is made - Open-minded about license pricing for a small-sized company - And so on...
Realtime data view & query language. Topic & broker config inspect. Consumer group monitoring including offset lag. (can also export their metrics via prometheus!) The development team are active in the Kafka community and are extremely responsive to feedback on how kPow could be improved. We have benefited from several usbility enhancements & features that were initated on the back of our feedback.
As for me, the only downside of this tool is that you have to launch it on your own, using docker container, AWS Marketplace, etc... I would love to have managed cloud offer where you give a way to connect to your Kafka Cluster (through VPC Peering for example) and everything is handled on kPow side : - Create a custom VPC for the customer - Mount a kPow instance on the VPC - Create the peering between this VPC managed by kPow and your VPC - Manage authentication/authorization using kPow online dashboard Such offer could open great opportunities with, for example, a free community version (run on your own) and a priced cloud managed version.
A few minor stability issues (now resolved)
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